Hey all, hope you're all doing well, As you may have noticed, the design of my blog site has completed changed, like you would have absolutely no idea what the site looked like before if you didn't see it, the design change was something that I have wanted to do for awhile, but I never really had the time for it, until now.
I do think it looks way better than before, the previous one looked a little too generic, and it wasn't how I wanted my website to look. Hope you all like it.
Enough about the design, let's talk about the most significant change, the type of content I will post, I know it is pretty drastic change, I thought too, but I also realised that I wanted to share my opinions on topics beyond technology, I wanted to go all out and share what I truly think about everything, and that is why I made this change.
Now as for the content you can expect moving forward, well it depends, I will let my brain takeover and post on a topic I'm really interested in and I think people would be too.
Now before you go, tech content is not going away, it will still be there but the entire content of my website won't be tech-oriented is all, and there will be less tech content. I'm an total tech lover and I won't abandon the content that I started my blog on.
Anyway, I think that is it for now, I know it's a short one, but I just wanted a quick blog that addresses the changes and gets the message out, I hope you enjoy and will support me going forward, goodbye.