Hey all, It's me David, I'm back again with a new blog, I've been busy for the past week due to real life stuff, reason why I haven't made a blog post in almost week but now I'm back and more energetic than ever!
Today I wanna talk about my personal thoughts on tech, It's something that I've wanted to do now for a while, as a way to connect to you guys through my personal thoughts. With that said, enjoy.
Tech is something that everyone on the planet is aware of now, unless you've been living under a cave for the past few decades, you probably have some idea and knowledge about modern technology.
It is something that has taken the world by storm, almost everyone from an infant to an elderly person uses tech in their everyday lives for enjoyment or work purposes.
In my opinion, tech is easily the most significant change in recent history, like I can't think of anything else that has had as significant as an impact as tech has had.
Now you may ask, What is tech?, well it's not only mobile phones and computer as you might think, it encompasses a lot of other things that we have in our household. Like for example, that fridge of yours, that is technology, that TV, washing machine and every kind of modern electronics in your house is made with technology.
Tech is something that I personally adore, not just because of its significant impact on modern life. But also because how it has made human life much easier and enjoyable to live.
The adults can now work easier and store data easier, and the children can now have a form of entertainment through their phones, TV and computers. Tech is a great thing no matter your age.
Through tech, we can make the world a much better place to live, like through electric vehicles, we are saving the environment, through tech, we can recycle more and not throw more trash into the ocean. We can make more advanced recycling techniques and such.
Tech is also something that needs a lot of studying to master. Software-wise, tech requires a lot of coding and such in order to have an functional app or any other kind of software up and running, and hardware-wise, you need to know what kind of equipment will go with what, and that requires a lot of studying, and honestly, to study tech, you need to be enthusiastic about it, otherwise, if you don't really care about it, it will be very frustrating and an overall bad experience to do it.
As the world moves forward, so does tech, we are seeing new tech innovations every few years now, which is great, because the more new tech we get, the more easier people's lives will be.
Storing data through tech is something that has become the new norm around the world. Back in the days before tech, we used to store information through writing, but nowadays we have databases and such to store data, and also because a computer is less likely to make mistakes than a human, and also more likely to spot those mistakes out than a human.
But now that I've bolstered about tech so much, I would also like to talk about the dangerous change tech has brought upon us through various means.
The first being the most obvious, Social changes especially among kids, As you may know, kids nowadays mostly stay at home and play video games and watch other sorts of entertainment. They don't go outside and play sports or do physical activities anymore (however this does not apply to all kids) which is bad, because it is promoting a more unhealthy lifestyle.
Now obviously this does not apply to everyone, there are children who try to balance between tech and the real world. But for the majority, at least from what I can tell is a whole another story.
Other than social changes, there are a lot of other things that tech is dangerous for, one being AI (Artificial Intelligence). I'm sure most of you know what AI is, but for those that don't, it is simply a robotic system which can do normal everyday tasks like humans.
Why is it dangerous? Well because of a thing called automation, automation is one of the primary functions of AI and technology in general. But it is also one of its greatest advantages from humans, an AI can perform tasks so efficiently, which is scientifically impossible by humans.
It is a key reason why there are mass production factories, and other automatic factories around the world, because simply put it, AI is faster at doing things that humans.
And while that may sound great, it has a detrimental effect on human life, particularly jobs, you see, because AI requires little to no human intervention in conducting its activities, factory workers lose their jobs, because there is no need for them when a machine can do a job so much faster and with more capacity than them. And it has had a massive impact on the job market that is already in effect, and that is bad for the people who have to do it for a living.
Another thing being security, because an AI can be so much better than humans at spotting things such as discrepancies to name a few, it also causes a disruption of jobs.
Anyway, that is it, I hope you enjoyed reading, and I'll see you next time.