Change of Plans: I concluded that GDevelop, my initial game engine was too confusing for me to use, even though it has not coding, it was still a little complicated to use due to variables, behaviours and some other stuff.
Now obviously I could spend time trying to learn the game engine, but with exams and other things, I believe that I shouldn't waste too much time or brain power on this, so I decided to get rid of it.
Then I found Microsoft MakeCode Arcade, an arcade game making web engine that I thought to give a try, and so far from what I can tell on the skillmap, I'm loving it, It is kinda complicated to use, but I can get around that.
So yeah, that is all that has happened thus far, I know I haven't made progress towards, well actually "making the game" but I'm on the right path, for me, It is always important that I know exactly what kind of program I'm using to create stuff, all the ins and outs and such as I don't like to figure things out when I actually start to work on my main project.
So yeah, that is about it, I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you next time! Bye.